"कु" मा परे ब्लगर क्रिष्ण !!

नेपाली ब्लग इतिहासमा एक जना ब्लगर क्रिष्ण ढुँगाना बिबादास्पद् रुपमा भर्खरै १०० दिन मनाउन सफल् पहिलो नेपाली टेब्लोइड पत्रिका नया पत्रिका दैनिकबाट निकालिएका छन। मेरो सँसार ब्लगमा पत्रिकाको गोप्यताबारे लेखिएको भनि उनलाई पत्रिकाबाट हटाइएको कुरा मेरो सँसार ब्लगमा उल्लेख छ । बेलायतमा माओबादी नेता क्रिष्ण बहादुर महरासँग गएर फर्केपछि कान्तिपुर छोडेका क्रिष्ण ज्वाला देवकोटाको सम्पादनमा प्रकाशन भैरहेको उक्त पत्रिकाले बिबादास्पद् बिषयहरुलाई कभर स्टोरी बनाउदै आएको छ ।
नेपाली ब्लगरले सामना गर्नुपरेको यो पहिलो घटनाको लागी रियालीटी बाईटस् घोर आपत्ति प्रकट गर्दछ ।
Krishna Dhungana recently said to the Ohmy News internatioal interviews about how he sacked from Naya Patrika Daily,
What did you blog that they decided to sack you?
Yes, I heard news about bloggers being sacked in Western countries but I have never ever thought that I might be victim too. Unlike in the West, I did not blog about official secrets. I usually blog about lifestyle. My last blog titled "Constituent Assembly and White Wine" was about the teenage girl and their circle, ignorant about country's burning issue- the constituent assembly.Still, they decided to fire me because they blamed me that I was focused in blog and not in writing news. My blogs were popular and my writing style, completely different from news writing style was also popular.I heard from my colleague that my editor blamed "He was very good reporter when he joined here. Later, he focused on blog than news. So, these days, he is not been able to contribute front page articles." (...... more)
Few weeks ago, Federation of Nepalese Journalists ( FNJ) along with the editor of Naya Patrika condemned about misbehaved reporter KP Dhungana and showed there resentment on the news disseminated on 2nd July.
The same editor afterall sacked the reporter few weeks later.
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